Transportation for students attending community nonpublic (CNP) schools
Sylvania Schools transports students to some private, parochial and charter schools in our area. Students are transported using a ‘Hub and Spoke’ method. All Community/Non-public (CNP) students will ride a Sylvania student school bus and then be transferred to each individual school. Most will ride a High School bus in the morning then be transferred. You are welcome to drop your students at the transfer site to catch their transfer bus. Communication is key. Please ask your driver or call the transportation office if you need help or have questions.
Days Sylvania Public doesn’t have school: There are some days that Sylvania Public schools schedule doesn’t align with CNP schools. Sylvania transportation will run a modified bus schedule on those days. We will do our best to communicate those bus times based on daily ridership. As always, you are still welcome to drop your students at the transfer site.
Calamity Days: On days that Sylvania Schools close due to hazardous weather, we will not transport.
Scheduled early releases or two hour delays: on days your CNP school has a tw- hour delay or early release, Sylvania transportation will run at the normal scheduled times. Please check with your CNP school to see if your child can wait before or after school.
Each year, the District evaluates the requests for transportation. Requests are approved or not approved depending on many factors. The State of Ohio allows districts to declare transportation for some children “impractical” based on a series of factors. If a transportation request is determined to be impractical, Sylvania Schools will provide to the family a “payment in lieu” of transportation per student.
Guidelines for requesting transportation
- Your child lives in the Sylvania Schools district.
- Your child’s school must be within a 30-minute drive (by bus, during the time the transportation would normally take place) of the child’s home school.
- The online request form must be completed each year for the following school year. If the form is not completed, the request cannot be considered and transportation will not be available to your child
Requests for transportation for the 2025-2026 school year are accepted
through June 3rd, 2025
- Fill out this online form by June 3, 2025, to be routed prior to school starting. If the student enrolls after this date, it may take up to 14 days to determine transportation.
- Our transportation department will review all requests and determine what transportation will be arranged or if a payment will be made in lieu of transportation. Routes will be created by the first full week in August.
- Approved requests - An email will be sent to parents, routing will be available on Stopfinder parent app, and individual schools will have our transportation list by the first full week in August.
- Requests that are determined to be impractical – Parents will receive an email or letter including the “payment in lieu” contract.